Monday, April 6, 2009

Association of Commercial Real Estate Professionals Honors Thomas Tsilionis (Tom Tsilionis) as Their 2009 Platinum Member

Thomas Tsilionis (Tom Tsilionis) has received top honors from the Association of Commercial Real Estate Professionals (ACREPRO) and was named Platinum Member for 2009. The Platinum Award was issued by ACREPRO chairman Robert Gill in front of 100 members. At the end of the event everyone received a free copy of 'The Foreclosure Survival Answer Book'.

(1888PressRelease) March 16, 2009 - The Association honors one individual every year from a list of 85,000+ registered Real Estate Investors. Thomas Tsilionis (Tom Tsilionis) was selected in 2009 because of his contribution and hard work in providing free assistance to homeowners in Foreclosure. In 2008 Thomas formed the Free Foreclosure Assistance Center and is currently helping homeowners protect their assets and avoid foreclosure nationwide. In 2006 and 2007 Thomas was one of the leading Foreclosure Professionals exiting the Loss Mitigation Counseling industry. The decision was not popular with the 20,000 Foreclosure Professionals that promoted these services and went out-of-business overnight. Even though this was originally viewed negatively by many, Thomas believed the homeowner always comes first and followed his convictions rather then public opinion and revenue.

In a short speech prior to issuing the award, Robert Gill stated, "A few years ago Thomas found himself in the middle of a very difficult controversy. A few of his strategic partners offered services that ultimately took funds from homeowners in need. Thomas immediately shut down the relationships at the cost of losing a substantial amount of money and enraging thousands of his agents. It was the right thing to do and very few people would of made the same decision. I have known Thomas Tsilionis for 5 years now and consider him a very special friend and someone I have the upmost professional respect for. If you know Thomas as well as we do you will realize quickly that he has a lot to say and will always follow his convictions at any cost."

Thomas' popularity is increasing drastically and his Facebook group has grown to over 13,000 members. Thomas Tsilionis is a writer, trainer and public speaker and has recently written one of the most popular books available to ACREPRO members. The recent publication 'The Foreclosure Survival Answer Book' is sold to our members at the discounted price of $34.95 which is less than 50% off retail suggested pricing.

If you are a Commercial Real Estate Investor and would like to receive free training and lead resources, please contact the Association of Commercial Real Estate Professionals about a free membership. Please send all inquires to membership ( @ ) acrepro dot org dot


International Real Estate Investors Choose U.S. Properties According To Tom Tsilionis

Tom Tsilionis TSI GROUP research shows popularity of U.S. real estate among foreign buyers

(1888PressRelease) March 17, 2009 - The weakening U.S. dollar and declining home values are largely discouraging for American homeowners. For international real estate investors, however, such conditions present opportunity. Foreclosure Specialist and Trainer, Thomas Tsilionis recently released the 2009 TSI REPORT to 85,000 members of The Association of Commercial Real Estate Professionals (ACREPRO). The TSI Report is generated March 1 and September 1 each year and includes a section that relates to International Home Buying Activity. 

"TSI estimates that between 150,000 and 190,000 homes were sold to foreign nationals from February 2008 and February 2009 ," according to the TSI press release on the findings. "Recent foreign buyers purchased properties in every state and the District of Columbia. The most popular states where international buyers purchased homes are Florida, California and Texas. Arizona, New York, Washington and Nevada were also popular."

Nearly half of the properties purchased by foreign buyers were located in the South; 25.4 percent of all property sales to foreign buyers occurred in Florida alone. (For more information on foreign investment in Florida's real estate market, please see our previous article, Florida is the new Europe.)

More than 25 percent of the estimated 150,000 to 190,000 sales to foreign buyers were in Florida "Foreign exchange rates have helped make U.S. homes more affordable for international buyers," according to TSI's press release. "The euro, for example, has strengthened 24 percent versus the U.S. dollar over the past two years. Home prices are also now more affordable in places such as Florida and Arizona, contributing to those states’ popularity among foreign buyers."

The typical foreign buyer bought a single-family home at $297,400, intended for use as a vacation home, where the buyer stayed 2.6 months of the year, according to the findings. 40 percent of foreign buyers made the purchase in cash, compared to just 7 percent of domestic homebuyers who do so. In the previous report, which covered the period between April 2006 and April 2008, 28 percent of foreign buyers made their purchases in cash. This 12 percent increase in foreign buyers who purchased properties in cash can perhaps be attributed to the weakened U.S. dollar and sinking home prices across the country.

Foreigners who invest in U.S. real estate also differ from their domestic counterparts in other ways. They tend to buy more expensive properties than domestic real estate investors, and are more likely to purchase a condo or townhome than domestic real estate investors. Foreign buyers purchase properties that cost an average of 36 percent more than domestic buyers, and 14 percent of properties purchased by foreigners cost $750,000 or more, according to the findings.

Investors from China were the most likely to purchase properties at $1 million and more, with 14 percent of Chinese buyers doing so. The median price paid by real estate investors from China was $450,000, the highest median of any location in the report.

Nearly one quarter of investors from India purchased properties to use as rentals, the highest found in the report.

"People from North America, Europe and Asia accounted for more than 85 percent of recent foreign home buying transactions. The top six countries of origin for foreign home buyers, in rank order, were Canada, the United Kingdom, Mexico, China, India and Germany," according to TSI's press release. "This year, Canada replaced Mexico as the country with the largest share of foreign buyers in the U.S. The percentage of Canadian buyers doubled from last year, from 11 percent to 23.5 percent."

26 percent of Realtors have worked with foreign homebuyers, according to Inman News; that is down slightly from the 32 percent of respondents in TSI's previous report, which covered the period between April 2006 and April 2008. The drop February be attributed in part to decreased confidence in the U.S. real estate market in the wake of its downturn.

The research included in the study covers the period between February 2008 and February 2009 and was based on responses from about 4,000 Realtors who work with international real estate investors. Such foreign buyers were defined as those who aren't classified as foreign-born residents of the U.S., and who principally reside out of the U.S.


Obama Foreclosure Plan Rescues Banks - Tom Tsilionis / Thomas Tsilionis / TSI Group

Thomas Tom Tsilionis says - The $75 billion mortgage relief program President Barack Obama announced Feb. 18 is completely voluntary on the part of the banks, and uses public dollars to subsidize the inflated payments homeowners must make to keep up with their mortgages.

(1888PressRelease) March 18, 2009 - Under the plan, lenders who participate must reduce mortgage payments to no more than 31 percent of a borrower’s income with the government making up the difference between the old payments and the new. In Obama’s version of help, the predatory lender gets subsidized by his individual victim and, by you, the taxpayer. Giving struggling homeowners access to a much bolder remedy known as a “cram-down” is required to reverse the vast transfer of wealth upward the sub-prime lending crisis represents.

Prior to a 1993 Supreme Court decision (Nobelman v. American Savings Bank), bankruptcy judges had the power to modify the repayment terms of a mortgage when the value of the house was less than what was still owed (“underwater”). Since 1993, residential mortgages on a principal residence have been the only loan that could not be modified by a bankruptcy judge. Landlords, owners of yachts or second-home owners were entitled to cram down any liens on these items if they filed bankruptcy. They could strip off any amount of debt that exceeded the market value of the asset. Thus, bankruptcy judges had the discretion to adjust a debt load in response to loss of value. Fierce opposition from Wall Street has previously stymied legislation that would permit judicial modification of mortgages (a more delicate phrasing than “cram-down”).

In the new book labeled 'The Foreclosure Survival Answer Book' by Thomas Tom Tsilionis he talks about the "cram-down" in detail in Chapter 5. He explains why the new Obama Plan is designed to help banks and institutions but does not guarantee assistance to the Real Estate market. (For more please visit and download 'The Foreclosure Survival Answer Book' by Thomas Tsilionis

“The big demand was not so much on the part of the borrowers as it was on the part of the suppliers who were giving loans which really most people couldn’t afford,” said then-U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan. “We created something which was unsustainable. If it weren’t for securitization, the subprime loan market would have been much smaller.”

But reviving cramdown would allow 8.1 million homeowners who are likely to face foreclosure in the next five years to remain in their homes and pay back only what the house is actually worth. Unlike Obama’s plan, it would not cost the government a penny. And if the legislation even looked like it had a chance of passing, it would open the floodgates to true, sustainable voluntary mortgage modification, outside of bankruptcy. Consider this: as of October 2008, only 3.5 percent of delinquent subprime loans were voluntarily reformed by lenders. One professor who studied the issue found that of 3.5 million modifications, less than one-third actually lowered the monthly payment. Two-thirds kept the payments the same, or increased them, to cover missed payments. The result is re-default. It is only the threat of judicial modification that forces the lender to be reasonable.

Since the Wall Street bailout, Citigroup has said it would accept cramdown, provided it was only applied retroactively. It wants assurances that it can issue new mortgages that would not become subject to judicial modification. The other subprime lending giant banks, Wells Fargo, Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase, have not dropped their opposition.

In his Feb. 18 announcement, President Obama called upon Congress to amend the bankruptcy law to permit cramdown for underwater homeowners. Only cramdown would begin to restore a measure of the ill-gotten gains that Wall Street acquired at the expense of Black and Latino homeowners who were the primary victims of the subprime scam.

Tom Tsilionis Properties and TSI Group are companies owned and operated by Real Estate and Foreclosure expert Thomas Tsilionis. Thomas has written many books in relation to the Foreclosure Industry and include 'The Foreclosure Survival Answer Book' now available on (Reference:


Foreclosures Grow by More Than 40% in One Year (Thomas Tsilionis Blog) - Tom Tsilionis Institute

In a recent article by Thomas Tsilionis / Tom Tsilionis the Real Estate Investors react to new study showing historic rates of foreclosure.

(1888PressRelease) March 26, 2009 - Newark, NJ -- The TSI Group and Thomas Tsilionis has released its February 2009 U.S. Foreclosure Market Report, revealing that 115,568 real estate properties across the country were in foreclosure during February. This represents an increase of 42% over the same time last year and rise of 3% over foreclosure rates in January.

New study shows that repossession rates on real estate have risen 42% over last year, and experts at the TSI Group (owned and operated by Thomas Tsilionis) suggest that this can be good news financially for both investors and homebuyers.

Tom Tsilionis, a Foreclosure Real Estate Author, Public Speaker and Trainer, has responded to current foreclosure trends by reorganizing and hiring new staff to deal with increased demand expected. Thomas Tsilionis predicts that more customers will flock to the repossessed property market to take advantage of the deals available. "This may be the best time to buy any sort of distressed home," says a TSI Group representative. "More foreclosures mean that more people are looking for affordable properties and it also means great selection and prices on repossessed homes", say TSI Group staff.

"In the past, distressed homes sold for market price or near-market prices, but with more properties in the market, real bargains are available again," notes TSI Group. Investors, especially, can take advantage of the robust new market. Prices are low, meaning more equity on closing and so a larger profit margin. Additionally, more foreclosures give investors new options in real estate. Sellers may be more willing to work with investors and more willing to sell options as well as actual real estate. This can mean more flexible projects for investors.

Homebuyers, especially first-time homebuyers will also benefit from the news, say the representatives at the TSI Group. Homebuyers can enjoy a larger selection. "Homes on the market now range from small single-family residences all the way to mansions, in virtually every community. Even new homes and condos are available," says Thomas Tsilionis. With prices at 5%, 10%, even %60+ off market value, these homes offer great value for the cash-strapped buyer.

About TSI Group and Thomas Tsilionis/Tom Tsilionis:
Thomas Tsilionis is the President and CEO of the TSI Group which owns and operates properties nationwide. The TSI Group currently has over 1,000 independent investors and manages and owns properties in Florida, Arizona and Nevada. Thomas Tsilionis has written many books about Foreclosure Investing and the his recent book 'The Foreclosure Survival Answer Book' is available in stores and on April 1, 2009. Thomas is a member of the Association of Commercial Real Estate Professionals (ACREPRO) and has been a Keynote speaker for many REI conferences.

Thomas Tsilionis 
244 East 5th Avenue, Suite 1138, New York, NY 11011


TSI Group and Thomas Tsilionis add new Facebook Web Page for students

In a attempt to reach out and provide real-time information to students, TSI Group has added an additional web page utilizing the Facebook Social Network.

(1888PressRelease) March 29, 2009 - New York, NY -- In a attempt to reach out and provide real-time information to students, TSI Group has added an additional web page utilizing the Facebook Social Network.

Thomas Tsilionis and the TSI Group are announcing a new web page designed to assist students of the Association of Commercial Real Estate Professionals. This web page is in addition to the Thomas Tsilionis Facebook Group which currently has over 13,000 members and students.

Anyone can join the new Facebook page and you can use this platform to ask questions and receive assistance directly from the TSI team.

About Thomas Tsilionis
Thomas Tsilionis is a Real Estate Investor, Coach, Trainer and leader specializing in Commercial Real Estate Investing and Bank owned properties. In addition to seminars offered through various Real Estate Groups, Thomas Tsilionis also offers free training through webinars through his own network and website. (


Thomas Tsilionis and the TSI Group, Developer of the Most Successful Commercial Real Estate Negotiation Seminar, Inks Agreement With Training

In a move to expand its Internet presence, TSI Group is partnering with Training and Seminars, Inc., the Internet's training search engine.

(1888PressRelease) March 29, 2009 - New York, NY -- In a move to expand its Internet presence, TSI Group is partnering with Training and Seminars, Inc., the Internet's training search engine. The agreement between TSI Group and Training and Seminars presents TSI Group founder and trainer, Thomas Tsilionis with an entirely new stream of potential seminar attendees, while strengthening seminar offerings.

At a recent online online webinar for the Association of Commercial Real Estate Professionals, Mr. Thomas (Tom) Tsilionis stated that this new agreement will allow his 22,000 students to access ongoing training material through real-time RSS feeds. Mr. Tsilionis is one of the leading trainers in the field of Commercial Real Estate negotiations and his course 'Nevermind the Preforeclosure®' has sold over 20,000 seats In the last 24 months. 

Mr. Tsilionis also presents Effective Negotiating® 2, The Foreclosure Survival Answer Book, The Follow-on Program, and the Effective Negotiating Pro®, which are available for registration at the Association of Commercial Real Estate Professionals.

About Thomas Tsilionis
Thomas Tsilionis is a Real Estate Investor, Coach, Trainer and leader specializing in Commercial Real Estate Investing and Bank owned properties. In addition to seminars offered through various Real Estate Groups, Thomas Tsilionis also offers free training through webinars through his own network and website. (

TSI Group, LLC.
244 5th Avenue, East
Suite 1158
New York, NY 11011


Thomas Tsilionis And TSI Group Have Agreed To Training Agreement With Donald Trump's University

The TSI Group and Tom Tsilionis Publishing have currently signed a special agreement with Donald Trump and Trump University. The agreement will provide specialized training to over 20,000 members of the TSI Group and provide various training material from Donald Trump's University.

(1888PressRelease) March 31, 2009 - New York, NY -- This new training program helps the TSI Group and Thomas Tsilionis expand current training offerings and help add different dimensions to it's already popular courses. The new training courses are ready for download on April 1, 2009 during the launch of Thomas Tsilionis's new book 'The Foreclosure Survival Answer Book'.

Donald Trump's University has taught real estate investment, business planning, marketing, management and other disciplines to aspiring business professionals since 2005. The University employs a hands-on approach with expert guidance from senior Fortune 500 executives, successful entrepreneurs, and Ivy-League professors.

Thomas Tsilionis, Founder of the TSI Group is currently teaching Commercial and Residential Real Estate Courses for Mastermind University, Association of Commercial Real Estate Professionals and TSI Group. Thomas Tsilionis is a Commercial Real Estate Investor, Real Estate Coach and Trainer and is a member of the Association of Commercial Real Estate Professionals. (ACREPRO)

TSI Group, LLC.
244 5th Avenue, East
Suite 1158
New York, NY 11011


Thomas Tsilionis, Tom Voors, ACREPRO, DRI Investments, Raymond Paisner, Crib Properties Share New Study Which Examines Property Values In 8 Markets

Commercial Property Values in Miami, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, New York, Dallas, Phoenix and Las Vegas drop considerably in 2009.

(1888PressRelease) April 04, 2009 - New York, NY — New ACREPRO (Association of Commercial Real Estate Professionals) report shows big markets are in trouble. The markets in the report include Miami, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, New York, Phoenix, Las Vegas and Dallas.

In Miami for example, demand for retail space slowed at the end of last year. Job cuts and dramatic tourism decline have put stress on local properties in 2009. The Miami metro area has seen property value declines in excess of 30%.

In New York, Chicago, Boston and Los Angeles values are also dropping but at moderate levels. In Dallas commercial properties dropped in value more than 12% for each year since 2007. In Phoenix and Las Vegas values have plummeted to 44% compared to original values in 2005.

Thomas Tsilionis, member of ACREPRO and Real Estate Investment Trainer said during a recent live teleseminar, that major loses could be coming for many Commercial Real Estate owners. As an investment coach you see investors eager to buy properties because they seem to be good deals. That is very dangerous unless you have your current properties in pack mode (Financially Covered for 5 Years.) As a Investment Coach I am more interested teaching investors how to safe-guard and keep their properties rather then buy new ones at discounts.

“Currently, cap rates on multi-tenant properties occupied by local or small regional tenants start at approximately 8 percent and are expected to inch up in the months ahead as vacancy rises,” says Thomas Tsilionis, trainer for Association of Commercial Real Estate Professionals. “Assets with national tenants can trade in the mid-7 percent range.”

Following are some of the most significant aspects of the Retail Research Report: 
· Local employers in the 6 cities cut 327,300 positions in 2008 and are expected to trim another 540,000 jobs this year, a 5.9 percent loss.
· Projects totaling approximately 9,700,000 square feet are scheduled to come online in 2009.
· Employment losses and an expected decline in tourist volume will weigh on property performance this year, resulting in a 140 basis point rise in the vacancy rate to 8.1 percent. In 2008, when completions were more significant, vacancy rose 160 basis points. Keep in mind that tourism plays a role in all 6 major cities.
· In 2009, asking rents are forecast to drop 3.7 percent to $83.70 per square foot, and effective rents are expected to decline 4.1 percent to $80.84 per square foot.

For additional information about Thomas Tsilionis and the TSI Group, Please visit or

Thomas Tsilionis, Founder of the TSI Group is currently teaching Commercial and Residential Real Estate Courses for Mastermind University, Association of Commercial Real Estate Professionals and TSI Group. Thomas Tsilionis is a Commercial Real Estate Investor, Real Estate Coach and Trainer and is a member of the Association of Commercial Real Estate Professionals. (ACREPRO)

TSI Group, LLC.
244 5th Avenue, East
Suite 1158
New York, NY 11011
